Wind Turbine - off grid

Personal wind turbines allow you to capture nature’s power and convert it into clean, dependable energy you can use in areas where the power grid doesn’t reach. Whether you’re generating energy for a remote cabin, sailboat, RV. The use of a wind turbine is efficient and cost effective.

Wind turbine - grid connected

Personal wind turbines work in conjunction with your utility power (power from your electric company). When the wind turbine picwind blows, the turbine generates clean, affordable electricity to power your home. When you and your family use more power than your wind turbine is producing, your utility power will take over. In cases when your turbine is producing more energy than you are using, you sell the excess electricity back to the electric company.

What size do I need for my home?

Homes typically use 1,000-2,000 kilowatt-hrs of electricity per month. Depending upon the average wind speed in the area this will require a wind turbine rated in the range of 5-15 kilowatts.

Some things to consider first...

  • You need space - it's not suitable for some urban homes or small lots
  • You need atleast 10mph average windspeed in your area
  • You need atleast 10cents a killowatt hour or more
  • Your utility bill can typically be lowered 50-90% (grid connected)