Why Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels?

Sunlight is free. By using string inverters vs micro inverters, solar is saving for you. In addition the cost of maintaining solar panels is extremely low, your system pays for itself in a relatively short time. Whether you’re a residential or commercial consumer, you can slash your energy costs.

Zero out your electric bill

All PUC's, including TXU, are required by Federal law to take back your surplus electricity. Your electric meter actually runs backwards. As electric rates continue to increase, you get a greater and greater payoff from your solar pv installation.


You can reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment. Unlike fossil fuels and nuclear power, solar energy is pollution free. It produces no harmful carbon emissions, smoke, gas, or other chemical by-products.


Solar power is completely silent. It does not intrude on the peace and quiet of your home. Go to bed knowing you made a wise choice with your solar installation and dream sweet dreams of your savings from solar.

man installing a solar arrayRenewable

Solar energy is an infinite energy source. Wider use will help reduce our dependence on oil, coal and natural gas. To encourage your switch to renewable power sources; there are Federal, State, and local incentives. You can actually take your electric bill to zero when you use pv solar panels.

Low maintenance

A quality system will last an estimated 30 years. It's estimated because this technology is not old enough to have actual data proving is longevity. However, your solar set-up has no moving parts and is designed to last, with the expectation it will still be operating for 30+ years - rarely needing maintenance. Upkeep consists of occasional dusting and cleaning of any dirt that may collect on the panels.

Go off-grid

If you live in an isolated area, you are subjected to higher prices and experience frequent power-cuts. Solar power enables you to go off-grid, which is ideal if you live in a rural location. Imagine the benefits of lower costs and the reliability of owning your own energy supply.

Austin advantage

Solar power is becoming increasingly popular in Central Texas. With Austin's abundant sunshine and generous local incentives, we are adapting quickly to solar power. In the process, reducing our carbon footprint. The United States already has enough solar electric to power about 1 million homes.